The Thinker: If you were born under the Rowan moon energy you will have a philosophical mind within the zodiac. You are likely a keen-minded visionary, with high ideals. Your thoughts are original and creative, so much so that others often misunderstand from where you are coming. This sometimes makes you aloof when interacting with others as you feel they wouldn’t understand where you are coming from anyway. Nevertheless, although you may appear to have a cool exterior, you are burning within from your passionate ideals. This inner passion provides inner motivation for you as you make your way through life. You have a natural ability to transform situations and people around you by your mere presence. You are highly influential in a quiet way and others look to you for your unique perspectives. Rowan pairs well with Ivy and Hawthorn signs. Rowan - Switched off
Day-dreamer, switched off, avoidance of present, feeling unequal to the task, lack of responsibility, disliking/rebelling against authority or repressed. Rowan will bring a feeling of protection, intuition, deeper insights, responsibility and divine guidance. Rowan flower essence helps to accept and take responsibility for behaviour and actions that have caused pain or suffering. Negative emotions that are not resolved can manifest again in other situations and relationships that have nothing to do with the original trauma. In some instances, this may mean reaching back into the past to process events, learn from the experience and make amends. OGHAM TREE PRACTITIONER’S COURSE - June (Galway)
June 10-11 (Co. Galway)
The course will guide you through a journey of empowerment showing you how to use these simple yet powerful tree essences for emotional and spiritual well being. It will be a life changing experience and prepare you to go on to heal others though the power of these sacred trees. For the Celts, trees were considered to be Gods, the ancient ancestors of mankind and elder beings of wisdom. Ogham Tree Set of 21 Essences
The ancient Celtic people were much like the first people of the Americas in that they were spiritually progressive. This advancement is born from an intense union with nature and subsequently, aided these people in aligning with energy on a universal level. At its simplest, the Ogham is an ancient Celtic Alphabet of which each symbol represents a sacred tree. The set consists of:
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Join our Tribe & Grow with the TreesSubscribe for our latest content by email. Success! Now check your email to confirm your subscription. Ian ClaxtonIan Claxton is a traditional healer and founder of Ogham Tree Flower Essences and Oracles. He is originally from Dublin and trained as a scientist, where he gained a bachelors degree in Biotechnology and later a Masters in Integrative health science. Although he found his career very rewarding, he felt inexplicably drawn to the energy healing practices of eastern Asia. So, in 2001, he decided to leave his life behind and studied Traditional Chinese Medicine (which includes acupuncture and herbal training). He left Dublin and studied in Beijing, China and after that came back to live in Galway in the west of Ireland to set up his practice. Archives
December 2021
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