The Thinker: If you were born under the Rowan moon energy you will have a philosophical mind within the zodiac. You are likely a keen-minded visionary, with high ideals. Your thoughts are original and creative, so much so that others often misunderstand from where you are coming. This sometimes makes you aloof when interacting with others as you feel they wouldn’t understand where you are coming from anyway. Nevertheless, although you may appear to have a cool exterior, you are burning within from your passionate ideals. This inner passion provides inner motivation for you as you make your way through life. You have a natural ability to transform situations and people around you by your mere presence. You are highly influential in a quiet way and others look to you for your unique perspectives. Rowan pairs well with Ivy and Hawthorn signs. Rowan - Switched off
Day-dreamer, switched off, avoidance of present, feeling unequal to the task, lack of responsibility, disliking/rebelling against authority or repressed. Rowan will bring a feeling of protection, intuition, deeper insights, responsibility and divine guidance. Rowan flower essence helps to accept and take responsibility for behaviour and actions that have caused pain or suffering. Negative emotions that are not resolved can manifest again in other situations and relationships that have nothing to do with the original trauma. In some instances, this may mean reaching back into the past to process events, learn from the experience and make amends. OGHAM TREE PRACTITIONER’S COURSE - June (Galway)
June 10-11 (Co. Galway)
The course will guide you through a journey of empowerment showing you how to use these simple yet powerful tree essences for emotional and spiritual well being. It will be a life changing experience and prepare you to go on to heal others though the power of these sacred trees. For the Celts, trees were considered to be Gods, the ancient ancestors of mankind and elder beings of wisdom. Ogham Tree Set of 21 Essences
The ancient Celtic people were much like the first people of the Americas in that they were spiritually progressive. This advancement is born from an intense union with nature and subsequently, aided these people in aligning with energy on a universal level. At its simplest, the Ogham is an ancient Celtic Alphabet of which each symbol represents a sacred tree. The set consists of:
Within each of us, there is a dominant "constitutional tree" around which all the other tree emotions spin - the source from which our deepest impulses issue forth. This tree is our tree type, the primal matrix that initiates and governs our unique existence. We can distinguish five trees, each of which possess an inner landscape as distinct as the desert from the jungle, as different as the pale white leaves of autumn from the vibrant bright leaves of the summer.
A traditional method for cleaning rugs was to give them a good beating to remove as much dust as possible and then lay them face down in fresh snow to draw out residual dirt and freshen the colours. In Ancient times, a mix of damp tea leaves and lavender heads were sprinkled over rugs and left to absorb dirt and odours before being brushed off. Yours under the Elm, Ian Elder - Mental agitation
Exhaustion, mental agitation, obsessive fear, apprehensions, shock, over influence of others or anticipation of problem.
Elder will bring compassion, inner calm, freedom from limiting beliefs, transformation, peace of mind and wisdom of an elder. Elder flower essence stimulates powers of mental recovery and renewal of the vital life energies that rejuvenate. When body and soul are revitalized, you can be imbued with the sense of well-being that boosts vitality and freedom from self-limiting beliefs. Birch - Self denial
Bound by rules, self denial, criticalness, judgmental or intolerance to injustices.
Birch will bring a feeling of protection, welcoming change or new beginnings, the ability to clear old patterns or belief in one's self. Birch flower essence can help you to open your mind and free your imagination and assist you in looking at events with fresh eyes and from different perspectives. Rowan - Switched off
Day-dreamer, switched off, avoidance of present, feeling unequal to the task, lack of responsibility, disliking/rebelling against authority or repressed. Rowan will bring a feeling of protection, intuition, deeper insights, responsibility and divine guidance. Rowan flower essence helps to accept and take responsibility for behaviour and actions that have caused pain or suffering. Negative emotions that are not resolved can manifest again in other situations and relationships that have nothing to do with the original trauma. In some instances, this may mean reaching back into the past to process events, learn from the experience and make amends. Elm - Inadequate
Overwhelmed, living in the past or future, feeling inadequate and incapable of the task or Insecure.
Elm will bring stability, help be present, strength to complete ones duties and recognition of one's own abilities. The Elm flower essence is for those who are very capable and often carry great responsibility but occasionally feel unable to face the magnitude of their tasks. Gorse - Hopelessness
Frustration, hopelessness, anger, unable to trust, giving up, despondency or Irritability.
Gorse will bring solitude, faithfulness, optimism, trust, hope and inner calmness. The Gorse flower essence brings light into the mind, uplift your heart and activate enthusiasm and dynamism. Overcome hopelessness to fully engaging by kindling the inner flames of joy and passion. Heather - Over Sensitive
Anxiety, Over Sensitivity, hard to be alone, self absorbed, talkative, over concerned with owns problems, or draining of others energy.
Heather will bring selflessness, the ability to be heard, fulfilled within, happy in ones own space, romance, passion and self discipline. The Heather flower essence Heather helps you to let go of anxiety and turmoil, to stand firmly grounded and focus on the positive aspects of a situation whereby you can mobilize your inner forces to overcome any difficulties. Aspen - Fear of unknown
Worry, Dwelling on issues, anxious, martyrdom, fear of unknown, easily startled or apprehension.
Aspen will bring confidence with oneself, trust, support within, faith to embrace experiences and adventures into one's life. The Aspen flower essence will help release vague unknown fears, for which there can be given no explanation, no reason. Yet you may be terrified of something terrible going to happen but don't know what. Yew - Low Self esteem
Mental anguish, exhaustion, sadness, melancholy or low self worth.
Yew will bring trusting in life, courage to be true to self, love and openness. The yew flower essence can assist in letting go of whatever is standing in the way of achieving your purpose. When you come to the realisation that the time has come to release your attachment to someone or something that is holding you back, like the irrepressible yew tree you are propelled onwards to change, adapt, and make choices and that will allow you to be free to grow, expand and regenerate. Ash - Impatient
Impatience with the slow pace of people or life. Ash will bring balance, patience, gentle healing, healing of the inner child, open to the rhythm of life and being true to self. The Ash Tree flower Essence brings illumination and clarity to the mind. It encourages considered judgement in times of inner conflict, calms thoughts, and also confusion about one’s sense of identity. Brings harmony and greater attunement to the self and nature. Alder - Out of body
Accident prone, feeling out of body, awkward or clumsy.
Alder will bring awareness, inner confidence, emotional strength and grace. The Alder flower essence promotes clarity of perception on all levels; helps us integrate seeing with knowing so that we can recognize our highest truth in each life experience. Willow - Resentful
Resentful, Sorry for self, blaming others, victim, bitterness or unable to forgive.
Willow will bring trust, forgiveness, acceptance of life's situations, adaption to change, inner strength, healing of pain, bending rather than breaking, vision and fertility. The Willow flower essence helps to calm your emotional body through awareness and conscious mindfulness. You may not be able to eliminate adverse emotional reactions but you can change your response to your emotions through knowing you have control of your feelings, much like you have control over other choices you make in your life. Hawthorn - Aggressive
Aggressiveness, easily agitated or hyperactive.
Hawthorn will bring forgiveness, courage, open up to love and the ability to release blocked energy. The Hawthorn flower essence is soothing for the agitated and restless. Its gentle reassuring essence can help the heart to feel safe, gently transform emotional pain, and create more space for love and connection. Birch - Self denial
Bound by rules, self denial, criticalness, judgmental or intolerance to injustices.
Birch will bring a feeling of protection, welcoming change or new beginnings, the ability to clear old patterns or belief in one's self. Birch flower essence can help you to open your mind and free your imagination and assist you in looking at events with fresh eyes and from different perspectives. Elm - Inadequate
Overwhelmed, living in the past or future, feeling inadequate and incapable of the task or Insecure.
Elm will bring stability, help be present, strength to complete ones duties and recognition of one's own abilities. The Elm flower essence is for those who are very capable and often carry great responsibility but occasionally feel unable to face the magnitude of their tasks. OGHAM TREE PRACTITIONER’S COURSE - June (Galway)
June 10-11 (Co. Galway)
The course will guide you through a journey of empowerment showing you how to use these simple yet powerful tree essences for emotional and spiritual well being. It will be a life changing experience and prepare you to go on to heal others though the power of these sacred trees. For the Celts, trees were considered to be Gods, the ancient ancestors of mankind and elder beings of wisdom. Ogham Tree Set of 21 Essences
The ancient Celtic people were much like the first people of the Americas in that they were spiritually progressive. This advancement is born from an intense union with nature and subsequently, aided these people in aligning with energy on a universal level. At its simplest, the Ogham is an ancient Celtic Alphabet of which each symbol represents a sacred tree. The set consists of:
Join our Tribe & Grow with the TreesSubscribe for our latest content by email. Success! Now check your email to confirm your subscription. Ian ClaxtonIan Claxton is a traditional healer and founder of Ogham Tree Flower Essences and Oracles. He is originally from Dublin and trained as a scientist, where he gained a bachelors degree in Biotechnology and later a Masters in Integrative health science. Although he found his career very rewarding, he felt inexplicably drawn to the energy healing practices of eastern Asia. So, in 2001, he decided to leave his life behind and studied Traditional Chinese Medicine (which includes acupuncture and herbal training). He left Dublin and studied in Beijing, China and after that came back to live in Galway in the west of Ireland to set up his practice. Archives
December 2021
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