The sea roars and the eagle soars,
Up into the heavens to view the world beneath. The trees sway amidst the grey haze, Spotting the moon and the lightning sky. Its time to seek the warriors mate, It's time to build the goddesses state. Happy Easter,
Or should I say East Star. In older times we celebrate the East Star rising. The east Star which is Venus which symbolises the feminine and in particular fertility. Fertility and birth of the land. The bunny rabbit symbolic of the masculine energy and the chocolate egg of the feminine energy. So take sometime today to celebrate Easter in all its forms for life around us - our children and in a greater sense the lands rebirth. Under the Elm, ian Tree Essences bring the light of awareness and positive support to resolving deep-rooted wounds and underlying patterns. They work via the profound vibrations of the different trees.
Synchronicity and communication are enhanced, allowing blockages, unconscious behaviours and old memories to be released. See for yourself. Check out your birth tree! Under the Elm. |
Join our Tribe & Grow with the TreesSubscribe for our latest content by email. Success! Now check your email to confirm your subscription. Ian ClaxtonIan Claxton is a traditional healer and founder of Ogham Tree Flower Essences and Oracles. He is originally from Dublin and trained as a scientist, where he gained a bachelors degree in Biotechnology and later a Masters in Integrative health science. Although he found his career very rewarding, he felt inexplicably drawn to the energy healing practices of eastern Asia. So, in 2001, he decided to leave his life behind and studied Traditional Chinese Medicine (which includes acupuncture and herbal training). He left Dublin and studied in Beijing, China and after that came back to live in Galway in the west of Ireland to set up his practice. Archives
December 2021
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