The SEEKER - Elder
Honour the transitions in our lives. The beginning in every end and end in every beginning. Understand this. Is is through research and consultation with peers and elders that I have come to the conclusion that the the Ogham tradition of Celtic witchcraft and healing encompasses the same quality of elements in the form of 5 vowels and 13 consonants. Each of the 5 trees correspond to a mystical energy of the shrub or tree. My research also shows that these elements are trees are symbols to a greater expression of character or constitution for within these symbols resonates an inner spiritual door which opens into an inner world that transforms lives of individuals when used correctly and from a place of respect and harmony. There is however the other aspect of the Ogham tree alphabet which relates to the 13 consonant trees which are also mystically and magically powerful in their own right. They have been orientated in ancient times to follow the moon calendar the 13 moons of the Year corresponding with the 13 consonant trees. The sky is always related to the father, the protector and guardian, in that analagy the 13 trees would be protector remedies from outside influences which could have caused the disharmony and this refers also to the Yang aspect of the energy. In traditional medicine it relates to the Yang aspect of the energy. The five vowel trees in turn relate to the mother or yin aspect, the inner strength, nurture and nourish, support and growth, when using the magical home recipes for healing the ancient healer would look at the individual and diagnose the person from the mother or vowel aspect first, they would then consult the energies of that trees to find if other elements from the circle needed to be added, the circle meaning the land or spirit world, which signalled an attraction to help. Once confident and happy that the trees had spoken, they would then look into the father or consonant aspect. This doesn't entirely relate to the person but the environment and the land surrounding them. The consonant tree embodies the moon time and environmental state of the Earth at the time of diagnosis and the person would follow the program for three moon cycles to complete the treatment. In conclusion find the mother or vowel constitution of the person first, then connect with the moon trees and cycle the remedies combined for a period of three months.
This can be formulated online and sent to individuals on request. Hawthorn flower essence brings balance at times of intense emotional stress such as grieving for a loved one or the pain of a broken relationship. The therapeutic effects of Hawthorn flower essence work at the denses of levels within the aura, having a strong impact upon the etheric body and therefore can be used in conjunction with other remedies to affect change on the physical level of our being.
When we give, like the apple tree, in total trust that all will be replenished, we open our hearts to receiving more. This message is to celebrate all you have and are in this life. To see all our insecurities, imperfections and be able to accept and embrace them. By accepting and feeling thankful for what you have, you open up your life for more abundance to come in.
Yours under the Elm, Red leaf 'Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world.' Sarah Ban Breathnach (sometimes misattributed to John Milton)
The Oak energy balances strength and gentleness, but the main source of strength is love. Instead of using your strength to exert power over others, use it to keep others from exerting power over you. You are far stronger than you may believe. The circumstances you find yourself in needs a soft and sensitive approach. Oak will help you stay strong in the face of any challenge.
Yours under the Elm, Red Leaf PS Starting the Master Teachers Course around Imbolc. Looking forward to journeying with you around the wheel of the year and the celtic festivals! Tree essences can be used for soul retrieval... First we have to find what elements of the soul that are missing... Usually through a trauma....
4 elements.... 1) earth.... Not feeling grounded... 2) water... Not feeling emotions... 3) fire... Not feeling passions... 4) air... Not feeling free... Discover the missing soul element or elements... Take the tree remedy and connect with the deeper levels of your self... Visualise the element reuniting with yourself... The journey can be very positive for all levels of your being. Yours under the Elm, Red Leaf The ancient civilisations looked at the tree as a sacred places that connects the worlds... Rooted in mother earth and reaching up to father sky. Stalk awareness into the woods today and search for the tree whose wisdom you seek. May the sap of knowledge flow within us all. One world within worlds... Share any meaningful experiences you've had with a tree... Thank you... Aho Red Leaf PS if you want to go deeper why not come along to the next workshop happening in Galway in September. Check the course section for more details. Or if you can't make that our online course is there too. Many the Spirit of the trees flow through you. OGHAM TREE PRACTITIONER’S COURSE - November (Galway). Complete Essences Set included in Price.
November 25-26 (The Elmtree Clinic, Oranmore, Co. Galway)
The course will guide you through a journey of empowerment showing you how to use these simple yet powerful tree essences for emotional and spiritual well being. It will be a life changing experience and prepare you to go on to heal others though the power of these sacred trees. For the Celts, trees were considered to be Gods, the ancient ancestors of mankind and elder beings of wisdom. Online Practitioners Course - Includes Tree Essence Set €297+VAT
CLICK HERE For All the Information and to Buy. For people who can't make it to the practitioners courses in Ireland and the UK I have put together this online course for you. It will entail audios and multiple choice questions along with an interview after the course. The course will guide you through a journey of empowerment showing you how to use these simple yet powerful tree essences for emotional and spiritual well being. It will be a life changing experience and prepare you to go on to heal others though the power of these sacred trees. For the Celts, trees were considered to be Gods, the ancient ancestors of mankind and elder beings of wisdom. The ash holds a key to a universal truth that is essential to the spiritual warrior. Today we need to explore this relationship more than ever. When we stand quietly within the shadow of a tree we can imagine hiw it was and how it should be...
Yours under the Elm, Red Leaf The 'subtle and gentle' nature of flower essences work to alleviate negative states of mind and uncomfortable sensations within the body.
To learn more and start on your journey to using Ogham Tree Essences as a practitioner click on the link HERE! Yours under the Elm, Ian ![]() MESSAGE FROM ASH: To consciously bring change into your life you must embrace more positive thoughts and habits. IMBALANCE: Impatience, Irritability, overbearing, nervous exhaustion BALANCE: Patience, Inner strength, Openness Celtic Ash Tree Meaning The ash was commonly used for protective rituals because it was believed that helpful energies were contained within its great body. Specifically, the ash was thought to be the guardian of children, and was often used as a healing agent for childhood illnesses. Its association with children may come from creation myths within Celtic lore. In some accounts the ash was considered the cradle of life, so too was it considered a gentle giant and a protector of youth. Yours under the Elm Ian
![]() It is a day to walk in the woods To wander between the cold trees As leafless branches clack their songs To hear the wild Trip of ancient strings of life humming Dripping boughs, grey bark and birdsong There is bounty in that which seems bare There is clarity, space Room for hope to spring Storms shed both shadow and light Rain runs to root as life to its next beginning Like seasons never ceasing Our cyclic steps sound on ~ Ciara Mulkerrins, Of Rain and Root Imbolg means 'in the belly', which refers to the pregnancy of ewes. Today at this time we see the first new-born lambs in the fields amongst the snowdrops and early daffodils. The lightening of candles or fires represent the return of warmth and the increasing power of father sun to warm mother earth. We can ask for good health whilst walking in a deosil (Sun-Wise) direction around the fire. May the blessing of Imbolc be upon you. Upcoming Events: 10th Feb - Killarney Ogham Tree Practitioners Course 10th Mar - Dublin Ogham Tree Practitioners Course Online Course - Ogham Tree Practitioners Course Yours under the Elm. Red Leaf Magic is not a practice. It is a living, breathing web of energy that, with our permission, can encase our every action.'
~ Dorothy Morrison ![]() "Haunted in the Eaves of October Spirits and Gnomes come out to play To deck our homes with remembrance, Witching up the powers of the Fay!" Hello Tree Lovers, With the Irish New Year of Samhain coming up on Nov 1st, I thought it was a good time to chat a bit about the Yew Tree, whose roots seem to be planted firmly in the underworld… At dusk on Samhain, the Celtic people celebrated thebeginning of the new year. As with many ancient cultures, they honored the cycles of light/dark, life/death and the sacred symbolism of opposites, believing that new life and light was birthed from the season of darkness. Samhain was a portal into the underworld where the veils became thinbetween the seen and unseen unlocking access to the spirit world of our ancestors. The ancient yew tree is connected to the time of Samhain, a sacred treeto the druids who saw it as a representation of the eternal cycle of life and death. The yew is one of the oldest living things on earth and is connected to the Crone of the triple goddess. She is the ancient goddess of wisdom who carries the seed of life into the other world for renewal. Known also as the tree of life and death it holds the medicine of death to the finite self and gives birth to immortality. This tree wisdom offers great healing as it helps us overcome fear of change. Through change there is always a new beginning and transformation into embodying the next greater whole of ourselves. The yew reminds us that in seeing our eternal nature we can embrace the knowing that death, connected to the Lungs and the breath of life, are just portals to rebirth. The wisdom of the yew has touched my own life deeply this past number of years and has become my personal totem for the initiation into transformation. It has taught me that all life experiences are mirrors that reflect back what we need to learn to grow wiser. That in the darkness there is always light and surrendering to the natural cycles of change arewhat make us beautiful, alive and free. Yours under the Elm, Ian ![]() Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness! Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun; Conspiring with him how to load and bless With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eaves run; To bend with apples the moss'd cottage trees, And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core. (John Keats) To stand and look around at this beauty
The white and pink fairy wings Waiting for the kiss of the angels Release and forgive the final thread For clinging to the brightness When all is brightness and then The mist rises and the sun sets Jackie came on one of the first Ogham tree practitioners courses and put together this wonderful book on these ancient magical trees.
Celtic Trees seem to offer a collective window into our individual and synergic soul evolution. Therefore the book helps those who wish to understand how these special Ogham trees play a spiritual role in nature. Moreover it helps those who are exploring the inner meaning of Celtic wisdom from a new perspective for our times. This requires that we embody the ancient knowledge in new ways. click on the picture to buy and learn more. ian 'Spiritual opening is not a withdrawal to some imagined realm or safe cave. It is not a pulling away, but a touching of all the experience of life with wisdom and with a heart of kindness, without any separation.' ~ Jack Kornfield Ah in the thunder air
how still the trees are! And the lime-tree, lovely and tall, every leaf silent hardly looses even a last breath of perfume. –D. H. Lawrence (1885–1930) The Celts recognised that each Tree had a distinct Spirit - Which corresponds with specific human conditions - Physical, mental, emotional or Spiritual.
As well as taking the tree essence (Spirit) for specific conditions, you can use a particular essence to attune to its specific energies. The next Ogham Tree Practitioners Course Weekend is on the 19/20th August. I look forward to see some of you there - If you're called! Look at the trees, look at the birds, look at the clouds, look at the stars... and if you have eyes you will be able to see that the whole existence is joyful. Everything is simply happy. Trees are happy for no reason; they are not going to become prime ministers or presidents and they are not going to become rich and they will never have any bank balance. Look at the flowers — for no reason. It is simply unbelievable how happy flowers are. ~Osho
Join our Tribe & Grow with the TreesSubscribe for our latest content by email. Success! Now check your email to confirm your subscription. Ian ClaxtonIan Claxton is a traditional healer and founder of Ogham Tree Flower Essences and Oracles. He is originally from Dublin and trained as a scientist, where he gained a bachelors degree in Biotechnology and later a Masters in Integrative health science. Although he found his career very rewarding, he felt inexplicably drawn to the energy healing practices of eastern Asia. So, in 2001, he decided to leave his life behind and studied Traditional Chinese Medicine (which includes acupuncture and herbal training). He left Dublin and studied in Beijing, China and after that came back to live in Galway in the west of Ireland to set up his practice. Archives
December 2021
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