Today is the first day of the Birch Moon, the beginning of the Celtic calender, a time of new beginnings and making plans for the future.
Ask for general luck in whatever the coming year brings, and focus on what you want to achieve. Resolution Blessing Spell The birch is the first tree to grow back after a forest has been cut down or razed, reinforcing its association with new beginnings. It is a tree of extreme hardiness, thriving in places where the oak cannot. When you make a New Year’s resolution, increase your chances of sticking to our guns by performing this blessing spell. You Will Need:
2. Mix a few drops of rose frankincense and benzoin essential oil into the palm of your hand and rub the mixture into a red candle. 3. Light the candle, and stand in front of it for a few moments visualizing your resolution. If you are planning to learn to play guitar, for instance, visualize ourself happily strumming your favorite song. You may want to state your intent aloud, saying, “I will learn to play guitar.” 4. Holding your birch twig at one end, pass it through the candle’s flame. Then turn around, clockwise, holding the twig in front of you to draw a circle around yourself. 5. Repeat the incantation, “I manifest new chances for good fortune, clarity and insight. I open myself to new experience and allow change to manifest in my life.” 6. Now sit down for a few minutes and quietly contemplate your wish. When you have finished, blow out the candle. Another way to see the new year off is to sign up for my Ogham Tree Practitioners Course on the 4/5th February in Galway. Yours under the Elm, Ian Comments are closed.
Join our Tribe & Grow with the TreesSubscribe for our latest content by email. Success! Now check your email to confirm your subscription. Ian ClaxtonIan Claxton is a traditional healer and founder of Ogham Tree Flower Essences and Oracles. He is originally from Dublin and trained as a scientist, where he gained a bachelors degree in Biotechnology and later a Masters in Integrative health science. Although he found his career very rewarding, he felt inexplicably drawn to the energy healing practices of eastern Asia. So, in 2001, he decided to leave his life behind and studied Traditional Chinese Medicine (which includes acupuncture and herbal training). He left Dublin and studied in Beijing, China and after that came back to live in Galway in the west of Ireland to set up his practice. Archives
December 2021
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